Thursday, August 24 @2pm
Our hop yard did not yield enough for a full on harvest festival but that is not going stop us from celebrating in the season and making a fresh hop beer with what we grew. On Thursday, August 24 we will have small setups at tables in the tasting room for anyone who wants to come and pick some cones for the new beer we’ll be brewing.
Cones will be added to the beer around 3:30-4pm, but picking will continue until we close at 7pm or the hops are gone! What we don’t use in the beer will be dried and aged for future use.
This year’s hops are growing differently across the farm. The bines in front of the brewery are looking happy.
We’re happy to see our .25 acre yard hit top wire again after a tough 2022 growing season. Thinner than years past but on the right track.
We have some “wild” hops growing on some old hop posts removed a few years back. These will be the hardest (and most fun) to harvest since the bines aren’t easily accessible.