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Here we go!  Another sparkly IPA is making it’s way out of the brewery.  By the middle of the week the entire batch will have been distributed.

That Glitter Rainbow just may be the secret sauce for our farm....
That Glitter Rainbow just may be our farm’s secret sauce

Glitter Rainbow is 6% alcohol and 100% magical.  Dry hopped with Citra, Galaxy, and just a bit of Mosaic it delivers rainbows of tropical, gummy, juicy, hop flavors with just the right amount of resin and dankness.

To find some for yourself, head to the following bars this week. #GlitterOn

Listed in groups of delivery dates:


@ The Corner – Litchfield

189 Sports Cafe – Danbury

Camille’s Wood Fired Pizza – Tolland

Craft 260 – Fairfield

Stanziato’s – Danbury

Walrus + Carpenter – Fairfield

Widow Brown’s Cafe – Danbury

McLaddins – W Hartford


Eli Cannon’s Tap Room – Middlesex

My Place – Newtown

Prime 16 – New Haven

Prime 16 – Orange

The Corner Tavern – Naugatuck

Westbrook Lobster – Wallingford


Birch Hill Tavern – Glastonbury

J. Timothy’s Taverne – Plainville

Lucky Taco Cantina and Taproom – Manchester

McLaddens – Simsbury

Plan B Burger Bar and Tavern – W Hartford

Red Stone Pub – Simsbury

The Half Door – W Hartford